Alma 26:12

"Yea, I know that I am nothing; as to my strength I am weak; therefore I will not boast of myself, but I will boast of my God, for in his strength I can do all things..." Alma 26:12

Monday, May 25, 2015

Try every day to make someone else's life better

Hello family and friends. First and foremost Happy Birthday to my incredibly already old youngest lil sis, the Annie Merrill. That is crazy that she is already 14! The day that she turns 15, in exactly one year from now, I will be in my final day in the mission. Crazy! But I hope you´ve had a great day Annie. And even more important... Happy Birthday this Friday to my number 1 fan and amazing mother! She is one of the main reasons I try to work so hard, and I am so grateful for the blessing to be in the amazing family I am with the rock of a mother that I have.

So this week. What happened? Well this week was pretty uneventful and pretty stressful. Like I said, this month is an opportunity for this Zone to have the best month that it has ever had! And let´s look at our basketball team last year... lots of expectations, the chance of disappointment! So here we have a lot of pressure. Which makes it so much more fun! So basically we just spend the whole time trying to keep up our own area while at the same time trying to help out the Zone. On Friday I was able to visit my old area in Rivas to work with Elder Copeland, and that was a lot of fun. It was also great to see some of the amazing people that I came to love in that area. And there are a lot of them. As we all know, everything other than the life after this is going to end. So the best that we can do is try to leave a stamp of doing good for others. Trying every day to make someone elses life better. If we´re not doing that at least.. then what is the point? That was a great experience. It also rained down there for the first time since I´ve been there, and it rained hard! Which was great... until it made me sick hahaha.

So yeah the last few days I have been pretty sick. With a lot of pain. I´ve been resting when I can and working when I can, but it´s all good because ya gotta just keep working! 

Tomorrow we have a leadership meeting with all the leaders of the mission, something that goes on once a month. It should be a lot of fun... but we´ll see hahaha. It´s just a good thing that our Zone is doing pretty well, because if not it´d be rough! 

Today is Memorial Day? That´s crazy. This always makes me think about my amazing Grandma Joan and the amazing example she gave to our family in her life. Knowing that we have people supporting us on both sides give a great comfort, and more motivation to work! I love my family and friends.

In answer to the questions, my new companion is Elder Naisbitt, the one from West Jordan and like my best friend in the mission. But we also have our two ¨sons¨ Elder Sanchez and Elder Rodriguez, who are both in their training. They are both from El Salvador and they are awesome. Technically my companion, or trainee is Elder Sanchez who is in his second change, but it´s all interchangeable!

Thanks so much for the love and support! Keep up the good work. Love you all!

Elder Merrill

Monday, May 18, 2015

Time to work!

Well.... this week was a little different.... and here is the report!

We'll go day by day. Tuesday! Found out that I had transfers and that I was going to train again... so we left beloved Rivas and went up to cold Jinotepe!

Wednesday. Long story short I had transfers. I was called to be a Zone Leader in.... Jinotepe! It's the Zone I was in beforehand, so it wasn't a huge change. My companion is... my best friend Elder Naisbitt!!!!!! We were already thinking it was going to happen, but it was still super cool when we officially found out. I love this kid more than anything. He has been one of my really good friends since October, and it's still quite unbelievable that we are companions. The great thing is that although we are great friends, we are working super hard and we are really focused, which is awesome. We are also District Leaders for a District.... double responsibility. But as of right now.... this Zone is on track to have the best month that is has EVER had. So we are working like horses to get this done. To make history! There is soooooo much pressure here, but that kinda makes it fun. We also have our two sons, Elder Rodriguez and Elder Sanchez! Kind of a cool story here. Elder Sanchez already has one change in the mission, and Elder Rodriguez is new! But they are BEST FRIENDS AND ELDER SANCHEZ IS THE REASON WHY ELDER RODRIGUEZ GOT BAPTIZED. Such a cool story! Here in Jinotepe, the weather is unreal. So nice. At last I have a nice area as far as climate! It's cool and sometimes even cold at night. But the area itself... super super hard. We have got a lot of work to do.

Friday I turned 19! It was a pretty lame day.. we just worked haahahahah.

Saturday my old area had a baptism! At last.

We that's just a little informational email on what has happened, but next week I will update you all a little bit about how the Zone does and the inspirational stories that we have every day ;) hahahah but I am so grateful for this new opportunity to serve and to help others. It's a big responsibility, so the help of the Lord is even more needed. Time to work!

Thanks so much for all the birthday wishes! Even if they were a few days late, it still means the world. I am so grateful for all the support that I receive, and I am so grateful for the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I love you all so much!

Elder Merrill
Elders Merrill and Naisbitt

Elders Rodriguez and Sanchez

The 4 of us!

Monday, May 11, 2015

Happy Mother's Day!

So yeah this last week was a great week! Love you guys all so much!


That is what we got today! But it was so fun to talk to him yesterday!  He said these last 4 months have been hard and he is hot and tired all of the time but he is happy and learning and growing.  He LOVES the people but says they have issues. Don't we all?!  He can't believe he has almost been out a year and wants to make the most of every minute.  Transfers are this week and he thinks he might get changed so on to a new adventure in beautiful, hot Nicaragua!!

We did get a nice email from his mission president's wife wishing the moms a happy mother's day.

To the mothers and significant women in the lives of our missionaries,

Thank you for raising wonderful sons and daughters. Please know that they are healthy and happy and working very hard.   When I visit with them, I see kindness and thoughtfulness in your children who are becoming men and women of Christ.  I watch as their fears depart, their confidence in the Lord increases, and their personal testimonies deepen.

As mothers, sisters, aunts, grandmothers, and close family friends, thank you for personal influence. Throughout the years, you have guided them and provided a solid foundation so they are now able to serve the Lord with all their might and are able to give their whole hearts to the people of Nicaragua.  As I speak with them individually, I notice a deepened awareness and gratitude for their mothers and significant women in their lives.

President and I will be always feel blessed to count among our four children all of our missionaries whom we love dearly. May you find great joy knowing that your missionary is exactly where the Lord wants him/her to be, doing exactly what the Lord wants him/her to be doing.  Thank you for sharing them us

Happy Mother's Day.
Hermana Peggy Russell

Monday, May 4, 2015

It's about Him

Another incredibly fast week in the books. And just about another transfer in the books as well! This week will be the last week of the change, and most likely the last week that we will be a foursome together. Crazy!

So on Tuesday I went out with Elder Copeland to do some interviews and animate some people. And while we were waiting for a little boy to finish baseball practice, we got to mess around and play a little bit of baseball! That is another thing that I miss like crazy. Can you believe that? Ever since I played last year, I have completely fallen in love with this game. Who would've thought that I would ever say that I miss throwin a ball and being up at the plate? So that was a pretty good 20 minutes.

Ah on Wednesday night the electricity went out right when we got back to the house. That happens a lot, but usually not at night. And it was the worst thing in the world. I have never been so hot in my life. Oh and that reminds me.... this last week... literally indescribable, unbearable heat. Take the worst, most horrendous heat of your life, and times it by 50, then you'll have a taste of what we felt. It was super awesome!
Hot but pretty

No electricity, no fans...
Friday we had Zone Meeting, and it basically was just a big machete because our Zone had a really bad month in April.

Saturday we had a kid decide he was going to get all Atheist a week before his baptism. So therefore, his mom won't let him or his TWO brothers get baptized this coming Saturday. So yeah, needless to say this time has not been the easiest here in Rivas, for the lack of success. It's that time where you feel like you're doing everything you can, but just not having the success. But I've learned so much here and continue learning about how to improve. I've learned to completely rely and focus on what is the will of the Lord. Because what we want doesn't really matter! Whether it be baptisms or just becoming a better disciple, if we are obedient, he will do the job. It's about Him.

I can't believe we are already to Mother's Day. This 6 months have flown! I'm super excited to talk to the family this Sunday :) and tomorrow.... the BEST HOLIDAY EVER! HAPPY 5 DE MAYO TO ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Hahaha that was for you Dad) Have a great week :)
Love you all!
Elder Merrill

Pictures courtesy of Elder Copeland ;)