Alma 26:12

"Yea, I know that I am nothing; as to my strength I am weak; therefore I will not boast of myself, but I will boast of my God, for in his strength I can do all things..." Alma 26:12

Monday, June 29, 2015

Longest email ever!

First off, I want to apologize for not saying anything last week. We really were so busy, but this time all is good to write about everything that happened last week. Which is a lot!

This week was probably the craziest, fastest, most tiring week of my entire mission. But let's start with the craziest news. Big Jonathan is out of the Bishopric! Ah that is sooooo crazy! I'll have to admit, it is super weird to think that the big three of Bishop Beynon, Dad and Dan are not there anymore. Those three have been an incredible help in my life, as they helped me so much in my preparation to serve a mission. I will always be grateful for them, especially Dad obviously. But I am sure he is not too sad to be free of that calling for a little bit! And I'm excited for the new big 3!

So... this week. Tuesday was a bit of a normal day, but we found out who the changes were going to be. My 6 week son Elder Sanchez had changes, and I was called, once again, to train a new missionary. I wasn't too excited because I have done it so much at first, but then I got my new son and got super pumped to work and teach him the ways! 

Wednesday, the day of changes came. And we had to do something super awesome. The mission did something a little different this time. Rather than just everybody meeting up in Jinotepe and then taking paid bus to Managua for the meeting, Elder Naisbitt and I had to go around and pick up all the missionaries that had changes in the bus and then take them all the Managua. So we woke up at 2AM, and left at 3AM to pick up the missionaries in Rivas! We were driving (not actually driving obviously but in the bus) from 3 until about 8:15 when we arrived at the church in Managua! So needless to say we were pretty tired. Then we had the change meeting, which went by really fast. Afterwards we had a training meeting for all trainers and new missionaries. There were only 5 new Elders that came in this change so it was a little weird, but it was a good meeting. Then I got my son! And his name is Elder Lopez. He is from Guatemala, and he is like a professional chef! He is awesome. Super humble, a very quick learner, and about 1/3 of my size! He is awesome. Then we went back home and worked to finish out the day.
Elders Merrill and Naisbitt
You would think that would be all, but nope, Thursday we had Leadership Council with all the Zone Leaders back in Managua! So.... another early morning for Elder Naisbitt and I. But the meeting was awesome! Now Elder Mataalii, Elder Shephard, Elder Hironaka and I are all Zone Leaders. We were in the same district in the MTC if you didn't remember :) and Elder Hartley, my little brother as well! We talked about the needs of the mission, shared presentations on each of our Zones (our Zone is doing awesome), and learned a little from the APs. And we learned a little about the importance of the Plan of Salvation. Question. Where would we all be without the knowledge that we have of the Plan of Salvation?! It is always awesome to learn from President and Sister Russell as well.
The Furious Four from the Mexico City MTC
Elders Hartley, Merrill, Collado and Kleiner
So, from there hopefully we would get a little sleep, but no. That night we were up really late preparing for the Zone Meeting that we had on Friday. Which was also great! Then Friday I went down to Rivas again and worked a little there. Traveling is really tiring. But it was fun down there! And.... Elder Rushton (he is from our stake and went to high school with Sam and they left on the same day) is finally in my zone! He is opening up an area down there. He is still as crazy as ever, but he is very obedient and an absolute workhorse so we are happy to have him here.

Elders Merrill and Rushton at the SLC airport back in June of 2014

This week will be awesome, because we are gonna baptize Angel! He is 17, and has an incredible story. He was like the assistant to the Father in the Catholic church, and grew up doing everything catholic, but one day a friend invited him to church, and he decided to visit. He didn't feel a huge difference, but his friend convinced him to just pray that night asking for direction from the Lord. This is what he did. "I prayed to God asking him for a dream or something (Nicas love dreams), anything by God to tell me where I should be. That night I had a dream that the Savior was guiding me through the halls of this church. And here I am." From that moment, he gave up everything Catholic. That is something very hard to do. And what an incredibly obedient spirit that he has, to be able to ask God for a dream and answer and get it that very night. He is awesome. He'll be baptized this Saturday :) 

Well there is a little more. I hope you all enjoy my favorite holiday back home. I can't believe it's already the 4th of July again. Time goes by so fast! I am so proud to be an American! Love you all!

Elder Merrill

Mission baptism record for May

His new Nicaraguan suit!!

Monday, June 22, 2015

Not much today :(

I´m sorry but right now we are incredibly busy, because this week we have changes and leadership council and we have to prepare something, so this is about all that´s coming. But next week I promise there will be a lot because I had some good experiences this week!

One thing... happy father's day yesterday to the best dad in the entire world. The John Merrill! I am so grateful for his example, and I´m very sad that I didn´t really notice it completely until I was here on the mission. You are the best Johnny! Love you!

Love you guys! Have a great week!

Elder Merrill

Monday, June 15, 2015

It's about time!

Wahooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This week was another awesome, wickedly fast week. And yes.... I have officially been out for over a year. It is absolutely crazy. I guess that I´ll try to give a lil update on what happened this last week. It was a fun one.

Tuesday.... Tuesday... Tuesday..... I literally cannot remember what happened on Tuesday. We worked, and it was a lot of fun! Hahahah we have been having more success here in the area, so that has been fun! Wednesday was the same hahahah.

Thursday was June 11th.... And I honestly can´t believe that. As I woke up I began to think of my first day back in the MTC exactly a year ago, and it just blew my mind how fast it has gone, how much has changed and how much I have grown. I think. I have tried so hard to improve myself and help others do the same, and even though I have fallen many times, ya just gotta get back up. I have learned so much about the Savior, and have gained an even greater relationship with him. But I have so much to learn and sooooooo much to grow in. A feel like time is just going by way too fast... so it´s extremely important to keep working and learning and growing. As my companion says.... Keep on keepin on!

We didn´t do anything to celebrate hahaha just worked... that´s the best kind of celebration I guess!

Friday I went around doing some baptism interviews and then...... Dennis. Our main man. Maybe my favorite person that I have met here in Nicaragua. Friday was his marriage! He´s 82, and he got married to a 40 year old. No you did not read that wrong. It was a little weird, but they really love eachother and it was a great experience.

And then Saturday.... his baptism!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ah it was so awesome. He is sooooooo humble, and he has been so grateful for the help that we have offered him. After going so long without baptizing... the drought could not have been broken in a better way. Nor with a better man. I am so grateful for that opportunity, and for the chance to baptize Umberto this Saturday as well! 

On Sunday we had 21 investigators at church.... a record for this area! 

That is a really bad email... I´m sorry hahaha. But just know that I am doing awesome, and more importantly working hard! Enjoy every day and Come Unto Christ!

Elder Merrill

Tuesday, June 9, 2015


Goooooood luck with Drill this week Annie :) hahahahaha that should be a fun life for her. And hello family and friends. This last week was another super fast, awesome week. Let's see if I can contarles un poco en cuanto a esta semana.

Tuesday we had interviews with President Russell!!!! Those were super fun... but very stressful as is every single aspect of my life right now. First my companion Elder Naisbitt and I talked to him about the Zone and what we were looking for. We also focused a lot on the importance of our area. There's been some struggles, but we are working on that. In my personal interview, we basically just talked about the frustration that I've had these last few months. Because it's been super hard with the lack of success that I've had since about January. He just advised me on the importance of keeping working. The only way is to work my way out of it. Even though I've been working very hard and he acknowledged that, I just need to keep working harder. So that's what I gotta do. Put all the faith in the Lord, put the head down and go to work! The Zone is doing really well, thank goodness.

Wednesday, I can't remember what happened. We worked hard and had a good day I think!

Thursday I went down to Rivas.... and guess what? My favorite and best investigator that I have had on my mission finally got baptized on Saturday!!!!!!!!! His name is Carlos. The only problem that he has had is that he's been waiting for his divorcement to come out, and it finally did last week! He has got such a strong testimony, and has been waiting for this day. I was able to visit him and take a few pictures, because two of his sons got baptized as well! Sometimes you just gotta see the fruits of work. I'm so happy for this guy. He is someone that I will never forget. Now we just gotta get his wife in the water so that they can go to the temple! I also love working with one of my best friends Elder Copeland.

Friday was great. I think. I know that in District Meeting Elder Copeland talked about the importance of the Book of Mormon. I love the Book of Mormon and I love the Restoration with all of my heart. This book is the central part of our conversion to Jesus Christ and the Atonement. Read it, and live the precepts that are found inside of it!

Saturday we worked hard in a new part of the area, and found some awesome people. Blessings of work!

Sunday we brought 14 investigators to church, which was great. One of them being... Dennis. Let me tell you a little bit about Dennis.... he is 82 years old, and he is a reference from a recently returned missionary. And he is pretty much my favorite person in the entire world. Honestly though. He is so kind, funny, and willing to follow God. He has learned so much and we have gained a great relationship. I will send you some pictures of him next week because this Saturday HE IS GETTING BAPTIZED. I AM SO HAPPY FOR HIM AND SO EXCITED FOR THIS SATURDAY. I LOVE YOU DENNIS!

Needless to say, it was a great week! I am so grateful for the Gospel, and for every blessing that I have seen in my life. I'm grateful for the opportunity not to work for blessings, but to serve the Lord and just see how he works miracles in my life. Love you all, thanks for the support. 

Elder Merrill

Elders Copeland and Merrill and Carlos and family

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Go Sisters!!