Alma 26:12

"Yea, I know that I am nothing; as to my strength I am weak; therefore I will not boast of myself, but I will boast of my God, for in his strength I can do all things..." Alma 26:12

Monday, December 15, 2014


Well another week down in the books! Obviously I'm necessarily complaining right now, but holy crap this is going by way too fast. The fact that we're already midway through December is absolutely crazy! This mission is flying by! This week was great, but it went by so fast that I hardly remember anything hahahah.

I had my second interview with President Russell this last week! It was great, a whole 7 minute interview. Hahahaha he knows that I'm working hard, being obedient, and baptizing. That's basically all he wants! This last week we had a couple of miracles as far as baptisms go. The yearly goal for the mission was 1800 baptisms. Yes 1800. We're really close, but a little behind. And this week the Bishop brought his nephew to church for like the fourth time, and he's gonna get baptized this week! His name is Alexander. He's like six two, super tall. And a really good baseball player! He's so awesome, and I'm so excited to help him in this lil journey :) the plan for this month was originally two, and now we're hoping for 4 this month :)

Ok that's about it as far as the life here. But super importantly, today is December 15th. Which means the Anniversary of my amazing parents. I can't describe in words the gratitude I have for them, but I'm gonna try anyway :)

I don't have a lot of regrets from before the mission, but this is one of them. That I didn't give my family enough love and attention. I'm pretty sure they knew that I loved them and was grateful for them, but I wish I would've given them more. Something I learned yesterday from the mission is this: in life we pray and we pray and we beg for things, and when we don't get them, we notice. But sometimes, we don't notice when we DO get these blessings, kind of like they were expected. This should never be like that. We as sons and daughters of God need to get better at recognizing the everyday blessings, like somebody going to church or two amazing parents and three amazing sisters. Yeah I felt it, but I didn't truly come to recognize until here in my mission that I was literally placed into the perfect family for me. My mom is an absolute rock of a person. She has been my #1 fan from day one, and has been there to help me every step of the way. I have never seen her example waver. Never once. I promised myself I wouldn't tell the story to my Dad until after the mission, but on July 20th, my Dad changed my life forever. And I will never be the same. My two older sisters are the two hardest working girls I know, with once again, unwavering examples. And my lil besty Annie is such a light to so many people. I could not have grown up in a better home. A home centered on the Rock of our Savior Jesus Christ (Helaman 5:12). And for that I will forever be grateful. Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad :)

Also wanna give a quick shout out to my life long best friend Elder Hanson for finishing up his mission in Brazil this week. As I was reading his final letter home, it brought absolute tears to my eyes seeing how strong he has become and how much he came to love the people. I know that he truly fulfilled his purpose of inviting others to come unto Christ. Love you Colin :) congrats and Go Aggies! 

Well that was kind of personal and off topic, but hopefully we can all come to develop more gratitude for the amazing blessings that we receive every single day. I love you all so much and I'm so grateful for the support :)

Elder Merrill

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