Alma 26:12

"Yea, I know that I am nothing; as to my strength I am weak; therefore I will not boast of myself, but I will boast of my God, for in his strength I can do all things..." Alma 26:12

Monday, August 3, 2015

You get out what you put in!

Well, the weeks are starting to go by even faster than they have been, which sure is saying something! This week, was another week that I can't really remember about.... what happened? Oh yeah... if there is one thing that I have learned on this mission.. it is work. But we'll get to that later :)

So.... on Tuesday we had Leadership Council! That was a lot of fun... especially because there was an announcement! This month, I think the 29th, a member of the 12 is coming down to speak to us and the other mission! That is gonna be so awesome. And to make it even better, the mission put a goal of 276 baptisms for the month, one more than what we had in May. We want him to come happy with our work :) I love these meetings because one learns how to become a better worker, leader, and disciple of Jesus Christ. And we learn how to baptize better! And that is our number one goal. Baptize and Retain.

Wednesday and Thursday were normal days... except Thursday was pretty awesome. Because... we contacted 93 people in the area. Two companionships, which adds up to about 46 per companionship, just in case you weren't sure ;) and.... I think two of them were interested, and one went to church. That shows how awesome our area is.... or maybe it's just the way we are contacting!

Friday we had Zone Meeting! Seeing that it was a pretty bad month in the Zone... we put a lot of focus on the "why" of our work. This mission is all about numbers. But I have learned through my time that there is a reason. And it's because it gets us to work! Now it is our decision to decide if we are going to work with a good attitude, or just because we have to do it. I did a lot of studying on this throughout the week. As I studied the scriptures and The 4th Missionary, I really began to realize a few things. Trevor Amicone and Coach Wall always said something that has stuck with me, and I was able to find a scripture to back that up and apply it with the Zone. 2 Corinthians 9:6-7 talks about this one point. In anything we do, we should remember this. And it's that "you get out what you put in." If we have a mediocre effort, we will have mediocre results. Good effort, good attitude, good results. And so on. We can all come to understand that when we do something, there is no point in not giving it our all or doing it with a bad attitude, because then we won't get the results that we want. As it says in Moroni 7:6. The intelligent thing to do is to work hard and be obedient, with a good attitude, because then the Lord can bless us! 

So there is that little thought.... just know that I am learning and growing, as we all should be, on this wonderful adventure of life, and the mission. We are called to "Feed His Sheep", so we might as well do it as best as we can :) love you all. You are in my prayers.


Elder Merrill

Elders Naupoto, Naisbitt and Merrill

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