Alma 26:12

"Yea, I know that I am nothing; as to my strength I am weak; therefore I will not boast of myself, but I will boast of my God, for in his strength I can do all things..." Alma 26:12

Monday, April 25, 2016

New comp...

So I forgot to tell you last week was changes! But Elder Heileson had changes... which meant I was getting a new ZL comp. The one to kill me! We got to Change Meeting at about 7:30 and we were all speculating about who the new ZL comps would be. Elder Hanson had changes so there was a slight possibility that he either would come here with me or go to Sandino with Cope. We are the bestest of friends so we were both hoping that he would come to our Zone! Then literally the best case scenario happened... Heileson went to Sandino with Copeland and Elder Hanson IS MY COMPANION AGAIN! We went crazy in the Zone Meeting hahahahah. For those that don't remember, Hanson and I were companions in Juigalpa, and we wanted to be together one more time! So Hanson, Copeland, Heileson and I are all best friends and Hanson is killing me and Heileson is killing Copeland. We are pumped!

We immediately got to work! Not a lot really happened this week, but it was fun because we worked really hard! Elder Hall and I get along really well. We have the same name and our Dads both have the same name. Cool right? He is an incredible singer! Like super good. It is fun to listen to him! Actually we did have a cool experience. So Elder Hall's grandma was planning on getting baptized this last Saturday. The AP's told me that President Russell was going to let him Skype with his family for the service but that it was going to be a surprise for him. So on Saturday we worked like normal until I got the "call" from one of the APs telling me that we had interviews at the Mission Office at 6. I told him and freaking out, acting like I had no idea what was going on. He was super scared. We rushed up to the Office and the APs were there. They had him log into his Skype and there was his family. It was cool. He was super happy! The only problem was that Elder Hall's dad mixed up the time, so we didn't actually get to see the service. He just got to talk to his family.

We had two more baptisms on Saturday! Their names were Fransisco and Manuel. Didn't teach them a whole lot but they are cool! It was fun. We finished with 37 in the Zone for the month. These are some great missionaries! Also all of our converts are progressing well. We are happy for that!
Fransisco and Manuel

That is about it for the week. We should have Mission Council this week, which would be my last one. That is weird. 

Love you all so much. Love you Grandma Merrill! (6 years passed away)
Elder Merrill

Go Aggies!

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