Alma 26:12

"Yea, I know that I am nothing; as to my strength I am weak; therefore I will not boast of myself, but I will boast of my God, for in his strength I can do all things..." Alma 26:12

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Another update

Today, the swelling in Elder Merrill's lip has decreased dramatically.  He faithfully takes his antibiotic and his pain pills.  He is drinking well and we are putting him to work in the office assembling packets for distribution to investigators about to be baptized.  He is involved in missionary work of a different variety and happy to be working.  Yesterday, he helped with the organization of the training meeting of 52 missionaries and was given a few much needed hours to rest in the late afternoon.  Tomorrow he will help with the behind the scenes work of the Mission Council, setting up tables, bringing materials and mail for distribution, and bringing in lunch. There are many areas of missionary work and Elder Merrill is happy and willing to work wherever he can be of service. 

To answer Brother Merrill's question, Elder Merrill will be under local anesthetic for the procedures on Monday. President and I will be with him. His appointment is at 9 am.  I know you will be thinking of Elder Merrill and praying for him.  

I saw Elder Merrill this morning and will most likely see him again tonight.  I will make sure he knows of your love and prayers and of all of those back home who are concerned and will also inform him of the Merrill Family Fast.  Without a doubt, this will bring him great peace and comfort. 

 I am not sure if I mentioned it in my earlier emails, but in the hospital Sunday evening, two things happened you might like to know about:
1. President and AP Elder Benson gave Elder Merrill a blessing before the plastic surgeon arrived to stitch the wound.  I believe this brought comfort to Elder Merrill.
2. While we were waiting for the specialist's arrival, President took it upon himself to gently wipe the dried blood from Elder Merrill's chin and hands.  It was a tender moment I will not forget.  Most missionaries see their Mission President as someone who teaches and guides and who also expects them to follow the mission rules.  All of our missionaries know that President Russell loves them and cares about them, they can feel it; but the softer side of his love for them is not often shown in such a distinct manner.  President cares greatly about each and every missionary.  He loves Elder Merrill and appreciates his willingness to serve diligently.

I, too, love Elder Merrill. We will continue to watch over him and pray for him.
Best regards,

Hermana Russell
Nicaragua Managua Sur

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