Alma 26:12

"Yea, I know that I am nothing; as to my strength I am weak; therefore I will not boast of myself, but I will boast of my God, for in his strength I can do all things..." Alma 26:12

Monday, October 20, 2014

October 20, 2014

Hahahahahahhhaahaha what a freaking week. I can't even describe in words what happened... but I guess I'll try! Started off with Tuesday... when I found out that I was going to have changes..... AND TRAIN A NEW MISSIONARY. When Elder Collado first told me I was going to train, I didn't believe him. But it's true! Elder Collado had changes too, so Tuesday night we went and said goodbye to everyone in the area. It was so hard. I've come to love the people in Granada so much, and I hope and pray the absolute best for them. Also, Elder Collado turned into one of my best friends. I love that kid so much and thank him for everything he did to help and train me. On the sheet of paper that a trainer receives, it says "your goal should be so that when your missionary finishes training he should be able to train a new missionary." Elder Collado did his job. And he's a Zone Leader now!

Changes. We have a big change meeting and it's lots of fun. And I found out that my "son" is..... Elder Castro. He's from Guatemala and he's super awesome. He speaks practically perfect English which is great, and I can tell he has prepared a lot for this mission. He obviously still has a lot to learn about the mission, but that's why I'm here. I'm excited for this amazing opportunity. We had to open up a new area (kind of). We're actually now in the area of the AP's in Managua! They are hardly ever there so it's basically ours, but man it is so awesome to work with them. Elder Araniva and Elder Benson. Elder Benson is from Utah and already in my mission he has helped me so much. I got to work with him on Saturday and he teaches with such power. I wanna be like him some day in my mission. I love that guy (and more on that right now).

Now to the fun stuff. I GOT JUMPED LAST NIGHT. Here's the story. We were walking down the street and we heard a few guys say something about the Mormons (we get a lot of crap down here). Some guy started to walk up to me, but I figured it was just another drunk guy being stupid. But it wasn't. He demanded me for my phone, so obviously I just gave it right to him (not a big deal the phones are crap). Then he started to walk away, but another came up to Elder Castro and asked him for his phone. Elder Castro doesn't have one though. We were trying to tell him that he doesn't have one when it hit me. Like literally a huge rock hit me in the face. Hahahaha it hurt so bad. I was super dizzy for a second, spitting out blood and all that. I turned around and Elder Castro was still talking and I just yelled at him "c'mon let's go!" So we left. I wanted to go to a members house that we know but we couldn't freaking find it. So we found a random lady on the street and used her phone to call Elder Benson. All this time I was spitting out blood, and my shirt was covered in it. And I could tell that my teeth were destroyed. Sorry for the details hahaha. Elder Benson came flying in the truck, we called President Russell and went to the hospital. It never really hurt, there was just so much blood. I don't have the picture with me but I"ll send it when I can :) there at the hospital I got a BUNCH of stitches, I don't know how many, but a lot. I spent the night at the Presidents house, and I'm going to have to spend the next few nights at least here. I learned today that I'm going to lose one tooth on top, and they're going to put a post in and replace the tooth. On the bottom I just have to get a crown and root canal and fix it all up. It should be a pretty long process, and I know I'm going to have like a 2 hour surgery next Monday. Fun!

Now for the best part. The blessings that I received as a result of this. First, I'm so grateful that it wasn't Elder Castro. Extremely grateful. I'm thankful that it hit me in the mouth and not higher in the head. The guy that threw the rock(same guy that stole my phone) probably could've done a lot more but for some reason he didn't. Elder Benson was right there to help us, and was so loving. President Russell and Sister Russell, I can't even describe my gratitude for them. They are honestly so amazing. They had been traveling all day and there were right there with me every step of the way at the hospital. I was there til about 11 doing the surgery. And they've been so loving today. Sister Russell has more love for these missionaries than anyone could ever imagine. She reminds me so much of my mom, and that gave me so much comfort at the hospital. And lastly, I received an even greater testimony and love for the Prophet Joseph Smith and our Savior Jesus Christ. I just got hit with a rock. They had soooooooooo much more done to them. So don't worry about me :) be grateful for those two men.

I talked to Dad on the phone this morning, and it really was so simple. I'm alive, so I'll just get right back to work when I can :) love you all so much and I'm thankful for your prayers and support!
Elder Merrill

Sister Merrill,
As a mother of four, three who served missions, I know sometimes our "mother's heart" feels things differently than our husbands do.  For this reason, I am writing to you. 

Please know that President and I are doing our best to take very good care of quiet, kind Elder Merrill. We love Elder Merrill.   President and I spent all morning with him at medical appointments and purchasing food that will be easier for him to eat than rice and beans.  We have contacted the absolute best doctors/dentists and have been seen immediately. Last night in the ER probably felt like a long time to Elder Merrill because we were finished long past his missionary bedtime of 10:30 and because he is a morning person versus a night person!  He is tough and uncomplaining.  I monitor his pain, which he says he has very little of or none at all  Probably one of the hardest things for him is not being able to work.  He has asked to help out in the office tomorrow as he wants to continue serving the Lord in any way he can while he waits for future appointments, less swelling and healing.  

It takes wonderful parents to raise such a fine missionary.  He knows why he is here and wants to fill each day with service.  I am sure he will write to you, but should you personally have any questions I can answer, please let me know. Thank you for sharing Elder Merrill with us.

Hermana Russell
Nicaragua Managua South


  1. Sam wrote me on Monday, but didn't say anything about his troubles - he thanked me for the music and added that "It literally saved my life!" I didn't know what he meant until I read his letter home... He's in my prayers. :)

    1. Thank you for your prayers Bret. It's good to know he got the package and I'm so happy he loved your music!! And congratulations on 20 years at Oak Hills! The children sure love you!
