Alma 26:12

"Yea, I know that I am nothing; as to my strength I am weak; therefore I will not boast of myself, but I will boast of my God, for in his strength I can do all things..." Alma 26:12

Monday, October 26, 2015

Just put a little trust in me!

Monday, October 19, 2015

Happy Anniversary!

Go Aggies! That was surprising, but lots of fun! I wish I could've been there hahahah. I would imagine that BYU-Utah State will be pretty fun in November or whenever they play. So this week was another really quick week. Don't I always say that? Hahahah I guess this mission is just going by way too fast! And once again, can't really remember what happened. We'll see if I can. I need to pay more attention to detail, because as you know, time goes by very fast. I don't want to lose it.

Monday night we had a little Noche de Hogar (FHE) in the chapel with some of our super awesome investigators! We watched The Testaments, and it was great! I actually wasn't there because I went to do a baptism interview, but it was still really cool I think. We have got some really pilas investigators. 

Tuesday I went down to Rivas! I am starting to get really sad, because my time in this Zone is almost up (maybe). This is the last week of the change, and next week there are changes! Easily the fastest change of my mission. But anyways, had the opportunity to go work with Elder Scheffler and get to know the possible baptisms for this month. Putting on the animation, puro smile :) hahahaha we got to know a lot of people and had a lot of success! I love working down there. I love the people down there. Keep in mind that I have been in this Zone for the entire year. I am no longer part of the Bountiful Central Stake. I am part of the Jinotepe Stake! And even though I want a new area, I kinda don't want this to end. Hey before I forget, I think today is the one year anniversary of me getting a massive rock chucked at my face. That's cool. Can't believe that it's already been a year since then. I also had a little poop accident that morning, just never told you guys hahahaha. Not because of getting jumped, just happened in the morning because I am in Nicaragua and that can happen at any moment!
One year ago today! Good times!!
Well I am just gonna talk about the most important part. My investigators! So we have two baptisms right now in the month, and we have the chance to baptize 4 this weekend. The record in this area for a month is 4 baptisms. But more importantly, they are awesome people, and they have been going through a lot of crap. Ana, Francis, Alfredo and Perla. Perla is golden. No problems there. She is super awesome. Alfredo is Ana's son, and Francis is the cousin of Ana. Ever since those 3 started going to church, they have been receiving a lot of persecution. Everyone hates the church here, don't know why hahahah. It's unreal. Francis has been really tough through it, because she has seen a bunch of miracles, Alfredo is 12 so he doesn't care, but Ana has been struggling a little. We have been working extremely hard, and praying super hard as well to get these people down, but it has been tough. And then today they called us and told us that they are getting kicked out of their house for doing what they are doing and for getting baptized. It was super tough to hear. Copeland and I went and visited them, and Francis said, "we are gonna go see if the government can give us just a little land so that we can build a house, even if it has to be made of plastic." In Spanish obviously, but super humble. That is all I ask of you. Please pray for these 4 amazing people. Ana, Alfredo, Francis and Perla.

Love you all so much. Keep up the good work!

Elder Merrill

Symbol on the Nicaraguan Flag

Monday, October 12, 2015

Stress and Miracles!

These weeks go by so fast! A la grande! This week was the fastest of my mission. I'll tell ya'll why in a sec. And this has also been the fastest change that I have had in my mission here with Elder Copeland! Life is a lot more fun when you are baptizing! hahahah this week was really busy, so let's explain a little about it! First off mother, "animating" is going around pumping people up for their baptism, and in most cases convincing them. Because here, anything can happen in any given moment.

I'll get straight to the good stuff... we had two baptisms this last week! First one was with Fernanda on Wednesday. It was kind of a blessing, because she turned 9 on Tuesday.  Her mom is a member. She is super cool and super cute and it was a super fun baptism!

Thursday we had another Multi Zone Conference! Which for most missionaries means a super fun day learning and all that good stuff. However, for Zone Leaders that means lots of planning, teaching a workshop, stress and no sleep! So it was a pretty stressful week. We had to do the same pick-up route that I have been doing for 6 months, which meant waking up at 2 in the morning and not getting home til about 10 o'clock. It was a really long day. Elder Copeland and I taught a workshop about how to teach better. Which is weird... why would President assign a really bad teacher (me) to teach about how to become a better teacher? I just think he had a little mistake there ;) other than that the Multi Zone was great! President Russell spent about 2 hours talking about how to become consecrated missionaries, relating the 4th Missionary talk to our own mission! And he gave every missionary a copy of the 4th Missionary (thanks Cal)! It was a super long day but it turned out being pretty good.

Saturday we had another baptism! Andy... he is such a funny, cute kid. We reactivated his family and got him baptized. It was really cool! Saturday was super stressful though, full of baptisms falling and miracles then baptisms falling again all around the Zone. But it turned out to be a good weekend!

I just have one thing to ask of you all... pray for Ana, Alfredo, Francis and Perla. I will tell you why soon :) love you all so much! Go Aggies!

Elder Merrill

Monday, October 5, 2015

3rd General Conference

Playing with a turtle!

This last week was yet again, awesome but extremely fast! Like I said last week, Elder Copeland and I went through our second conference together.... so crazy how fast those six months have gone. Which scares me a little to know how fast the next six are gonna go, but not thinking about that hahah. So let's see what we did this last week!

On Tuesday I spent the whole day working with my companion Elder Velasquez, and we worked really hard! We spent the whole day contacting new people, and it was pretty successful. This Elder Velasquez is super funny and fun to work with. Elder Copeland went and worked with some sisters, and he did well!

Wednesday was a normal day of work, lots of fun.

Thursday I went down to Rivas to work in my old area with Elder Scheffler and his companion. We worked super hard and I helped them a lil in their area, because they were struggling. We had a lot of fun. It was also fun to work in my old area! I wasn't a huge fan of that area, but it was good to go back and relive some of the memories. Oh by the way, this last week, my first son Elder Castro hit a year in the mission? Crazy right? And my second son, Elder Arevalo, already has 9 months. And I have been in this same zone for his entire mission! Mucho tiempo jajaja. But anyways it was fun to work in my old area! 

Friday I went to District meeting down in Rivas. Did some ¨animating¨, because we have a great opportunity to have a great month in October! In this Zone we have a lot of pressure and put really high goals. Because sometimes you gotta ¨expect perfection to get something similar.¨ Then I went back up to Jinotepe! There was a lot of new apartment stuff going on that I had to work with, which is yet another miracle from the Lord that we see all the time, something as simple as Him helping us find a new house for missionaries in an important time. Then we went out to work to prepare everyone for Conference.

Saturday was awesome! We had a ton of success! We brought a lot of investigators to conference, which is the most important thing. And the things I learned were awesome. Let's see. Elder Lawrence, how he talked about Progress. I feel like Dad was up there talking, that is one of his strengths. We need to find a way to progress every day, even if it is just a little bit. Elder Holland was kinda tough to listen too. It brought such a deep love and gratitude for my mother and all she has done for me. My number 1 fan. I love you Mom! We brought 13 investigators on Saturday, and finished with 18 in total! And a few of them loved it so much that they came back by themselves on Sunday (that is unheard of here.) Priesthood was great, partially because we didn't need to bring investigators hahaha. But I loved Elder Anderson's talk about Faith. Give Brother Joseph a break! Hahahah that definitely applies here. Have I ever told you how much we get yelled at and made fun of here? It's about every 5 minutes that we hear something about coffee and Joseph Smith. It is crazy. Really builds up someone's patience ahahaha. But yeah Priesthood was awesome! Sunday was great too. There were a bunch of people that showed up to the church to watch it, thank goodness. I really loved President Monson's talk, except for the fact that I basically didn't get to hear it because Copeland and I were tending a crying child of one of our investigators. At least she got to listen to the Prophet! I did get to see the end though (Copeland and I were in another room watching it in English), and when I saw him really struggle, it made me really sad. I love that guy with all of my heart, and I just want to see him one more time in person. Who knows if it will happen though. Listening to President Nelson was so cool. Ever since he came here, I have fallen in love with that guy. He has such an awesome spirit, and I have met him! I also loved Elder Christopherson´s talk about the importance of a church! It is very important, and people here don't understand that!

So all in all it was a great week. I am so grateful to be able to testify every single day that Jesus Christ has restored his Church through Prophets and Apostles. This Church is what will help guide us to Salvation. So let´s do our job! Pray this week for Andy and Fernanda, our two baptisms this week. And pray for Perla, Ana, Alfredo and Francis. They are super cool people that need prayers! Love you all so much!

Elder Merrill

Drinking a little Coke like Fred and George (?)
Super Poor!