Alma 26:12

"Yea, I know that I am nothing; as to my strength I am weak; therefore I will not boast of myself, but I will boast of my God, for in his strength I can do all things..." Alma 26:12

Monday, April 20, 2015 read it!!

Well, another week has passed! Another week of great experiences that I can't remember! This week was one of the most hard-working weeks that I have had here on the mish, and I am very grateful for that. There are a lot of moments here where it is really difficult to work hard. After lunch, we are really tired, it is 95 million degrees outside, and Satan tries to get us to "just take a little break". But I have such a strong testimony that as we make the most of every moment, the Lord will bless us. It may not be that we find the "golden investigator", but we are learning and growing in every opportunity. That is what I love so much here. It is such a battle, but when we win, it is the greatest feeling in the world.

Lately, we have really been trying to put a lot of focus on the Book of Mormon. I am so in love with this book. I could go on for days and years about the power and importance of it, but I am just going to do a little bit. One of the things that makes me laugh more than anything is the fact that people who haven't even read the book talk bad about it. Hahahhah because they are really missing out. Every single day that I read from the Book of Mormon, I feel my faith in Christ strengthening. What more do we need? If we ever feel doubts about something, have problems, or just need to be better, then read from the Book of Mormon. As President Benson says (thanks Julie), "there is a certain power that will begin to flow into your life as you read it." I promise that the book of mormon helps us in all aspects of life... so read it!

This last Friday I got to work again with Elder Naisbitt, and it was super fun because we just went around animating people. Being animated and smiling are some of the most important things here. So we began to call ourselves the "animation crew", just doin what we can to help people get to the waters of baptism! We were able to convince a lady to let her daughter get baptized, the same day that I got hugged by a lady. She is crazy and hugged us, trying to kiss us on the cheek! In that moment, we just gently touch her shoulder, not hugging but trying not to be rude while also trying not to laugh. Super awesome!

Today we played some more soccer, and a little bit of basketball. It's killing me. I miss basketball so much. But it's all good :) and I'm not too bad at soccer! Even though we sweat through everything, it's super fun.

Well here we are! Pretty lame like always, but life is great here :) I'm almost to my 19th birthday! Go Jazz! Go Braves!

Love you all. Thanks for the support. Have a great week and remember to Come Unto Christ!

Elder Merrill
Does anyone else remember that he cried every time I drove him to soccer practice?


  1. Jenny! I am so proud of you! I've been checking in on Elder Merrill occasionally and he sounds great! And you are doing fabulous at this blog thing :) I can't believe its almost been a year! Our boys are doing great things!

    1. Thanks! You inspired me. Hey we went to Jesse Wade's farewell yesterday and it was so fun to hear him mention Jaydon!!
