Alma 26:12

"Yea, I know that I am nothing; as to my strength I am weak; therefore I will not boast of myself, but I will boast of my God, for in his strength I can do all things..." Alma 26:12

Monday, October 13, 2014

October 13, 2014

I'M OFFICIALLY DONE WITH TRAINING. I'm no longer a new kid in Nicaragua. Which is great, but it also means that I have a lot more pressure on me. And I love that! After this next change, I'll already have 6 months in my mission :) it's unreal how fast it goes out here! This week was a great week! Changes are this week, I find out tomorrow if I have transfers! It's probable that I will have transfers, but we'll see!

Some good experiences. First time in my mission that we brought a whole family to church yesterday! Ah it was so great. Four people, Reinaldo, Ingrid, Gabriel and Jordin. I love this family! The goal here is to baptize families, but it's really hard. So to have this here is awesome and inspired of the Lord! 

We had two baptisms this week! And wooooow, was it tough. First Rosario. At the beginning she wasn't all that great because she didn't want to listen... but somehow her heart was opened and she opened the door to the celestial kingdom! 

And this chabalo Juan Jose. He's 12 years old, and he was pretty easy for most the way! But we went to pick him up this Saturday and he didn't want ANYTHING, he was not going to go. We have this thing in the mission called Jarron Azul, which means do absolutely anything you can to not let the people make a bad decision. Elder Collado and I were there for more than an hour trying to convince him. And I can honestly say that I have never prayed harder for anything in my entire life. During that time I was thinking, "because of my lack of effort and preparation, he's not going to get baptized", and that was killing me. So I prayed and gave it all to the Lord. I said "Father, I will accept anything. Sickness, pains, anything. Just open his heart and let him open the door to thy kingdom." And after a long time, he finally accepted. (I was pretty sick yesterday and today). I am so grateful for my Savior and Heavenly Father. My prayer was answered and I have a new found motivation to work as hard as I possibly can. Because this will be over before I know it. 

Juan Jose
Today we went to the beach and played a little soccer. And it's my mission best friend's birthday today! We got to throw some eggs at Elder Bennett, good day :) another picture is with Elder Bennett and Elder Jimenez (The Big 3). We came together and expect to leave the area together :)
Elder Bennett's Birthday Egg?
The Big Three!  Elders Merrill, Bennett and Jimenez

I am so unbelievably grateful for my family and friends. Annie you also having somebody in Nicaragua praying for you! Take care everyone and keep up the good work! Love you all!

Elder Merrill
Some random statue...

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